Tues., Oct. 16: Book Reading & Discussion, Berkeley Public Library, "Confronting Public Bullying with Roddey Reid"
Central Branch, Tues., Oct. 16, 3:30-5pm
2090 Kittredge St, Berkeley CA 94704
Third Floor, Community Meeting Room
A talk and open discussion with Professor Emeritus Roddey Reid about his new book, Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying: A Citizen’s Handbook for the Trump Era and Beyond.
He explores how a climate of fear and intimidation has come to dominate national life in the United States in recent years, poisoning our politics and even reaching into our personal relationships.
At the core of this history is a larger U.S. culture of intimidation and bullying in the workplace, media, and political arenas that has been building for 30 years.
Reid will offer insights into the strategies and dynamics of contemporary intimidation and public bullying: how they work, the dangers they present, and the lessons to be learned
He is Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego, where he taught classes on the modern cultures and societies of the U.S., France, and Japan.